Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Boom! ABC MNF is over

ABC's 12/26/05 final edition of Monday Night Football, a meaningless game between the Patriots and the Jets, nevertheless provided a fitting backdrop for Wild Wing Cafe's (2132 Ayrsley Town Blvd., 980-297-7000, last weekly "MNF" gathering of the season.

Hosted by WRFX's Mr. Bill, southwest Charlotte's best wing bar doled out its usual assortment of "useless crap" punctuated by a halftime drawing for a weekend tryst for two at Snowshoe Ski Resort. The worst item? A "big ol' hairy" t-shirt screen print of a shirtless Panthers fan with The Fox's call sign carved in its back hair.

Useless? Mr. Bill was wrong. My dog found his new cotton chew toy quite useful.

With liquor license issues resolved by time (the tragic affiliation with a July 2004 DUI auto accident and underage serving), the $1.50 Coor's Light and $2.50 Trumer Pils specials were marred only by the $3.99 Garlic Cheese Toast ripoff they called an appetizer. One small half of a loaf, quartered, then dwarfed by the large basket, still survived the bill despite my complaint to management.

One dollar per bite. The cost equivalent of shrimp cocktail.


Barring a Sunday collapse against Atlanta, possible home playoff games has The Sunset Club's (1820 South Blvd., 704-373-9900, Jeff Tomascak brimming with enthusiasm about his post-game destination option.

I've failed to schlep past a hundred yard radius of my tailgate to Angry Ale's but there is no comparison. Although not formally reviewed or visited, Sunset Club's private atmosphere, and Jeff's boastful email of "about 15 players, lots of cheerleaders, some Falcons, and lots of fun" after our Dec. 4 Atlanta home stand sounds like a superior option.

No word if ex-TopCat cheerleaders Renee Thomas and Angela Keathley made out in their bathroom.

Annual memberships from $350 to $2000 would explain the clientele, but members may entertain guests; get to know a few millionaires.

The Sunset Club is located below Tutto Mondo and the Pewter Rose in the South End.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Crawl Tales

May I offer a preemptive apology for exclusively driving the blog the last few months, explained in the most recent review of The Forum at Sixth and College. As it turns out, one of my friends complained he couldn't read it because his employer's filter prevents access to bulletin boards and the like.

That does it. Back to the streets for new stuff...

Some observations while tipping one back here and there:

  • Speaking of The Forum (see full review on the website), has anyone gone to Bar or Have a Nice Day lately? Just curious, considering their tourist appeal. I bet I get zero responses to this blog for this answer. Last time I was in Bar, there was an electric bull. 'Nuff said.
  • Fox & Hound on a Tuesday? Yes. $2.50 pints. A relative steal in the high rises.
  • I may be in awe of the composite bar, but Zink American had me at hello with its happy hour crowd, and I just want to make sure the masses aren't dwindling after a couple of fly-bys lately. Remember: They are a Harper's affair, so do not miss a chance to eat from the spiral tower of seasoned, skinny french fries.
  • I caught John Dungan and Mike Crowley at Connollys on 5th after nearly avoiding an unnecessary Irish scuffle, enjoying their acoustic cover and an interactive crowd. It goes to show that one girl patron, in a good pair of jeans, can work an entire floor. Check John out at How can you resist a chrome-dome head clad in a Family Dollar t-shirt?
  • Caught a Panthers game at Picasso's yet? I didn't update the sports bar listings this fall, but my first-ever game there solidifies its usual position atop the standings as the best sports bar in the city.
  • Where's the best New Year's party? Rumor has it that it's moved to the Westin, for KISS 95.1's "Kiss in the New Year," now $89 per person in advance. For that amount, I can buy everyone at the house party I will attend one drink, and a partridge in a pear tree.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Tutto Go-Go

It has not been often that I've held tribal council at the end of the week at Tutto Mondo (1820 South Blvd., 704-332-5142, but a refreshing visit amongst friends reminded me of why it was overdue.

Safely hidden upstairs next to the Pewter Rose in the South End, I featured it way back on March 17, 2004 paying homage to its interior design, low-key attitude, and word of mouth advertising. Shoot, they even pay tribute to my column with a link on their website.

A year and a half has expanded on its theme not only with a full week of entertainment, but its clientele. 9:30 DJ scheduling, with a very complicated array of assignments depending on the numbered week each month, still rounds up the urban professionals and has added a significant homosexual base, as well.

I have mixed feelings about the attention bestowed on me in this setting; I'm unquestionably straight as an arrow but appreciate the compliments, I guess. It must be my athletic, lean physique and crunchy short hair that garnered the occasional double-take. Much appreciated.

On this "True Blue" Friday, it was that guy smitty at the turntables, who specialized in classic house spins while 1/2 price appetizers and 1/2 price Cruvinet wines were served from 6-9. Weekenders will appreciate the $5 vodkas and Red Bulls and $5.50 Cosmos on Sweet Saturdays, and a nightly admission completely devoid of a cover charge.

But almost forgotten was its dark, moody setting stocked with deep loft-style furniture, underneath the twinkle of the holiday lighting. Other than a new phone number, they've kept a good thing going.


Has anyone else been "Observing"... have things tapered off at Town (710 West Trade, 704-379-3555, It might be an overstatement, but I've caught a late week stop there a few times lately to a lot more empty seats than usual.

If I'm right, then it proves my point that the nearby Johnson & Wales culinary school, although stacked with cooking talent, is still just a bunch of broke students. College kids = cheap booze, and adjacent nightlife better still suck in the dollars from somewhere else.


Cans Bar and Canteen (Graham & 5th,, originally slated for a January opening, looks busy inside while renovating this two-story development in the Cotton Mills.

It specializes in canned beer offerings, along with premium bottled selections and liquor, while incorporating a retroactive 80's theme replete with old video games and a jukebox.

Funny that it specializes in throwback while its logo and and exterior signage would indicate a futuristic appeal. If mullets are welcome, than I don't want to be.

But come to think of it, I believe there are some area bars that specialize in cans of Rock Hill.


I was an unintended recipient of one of the emails circulated over the past two weeks accusing Menage owner Stefan Latorre of racial discrimination, an investigation I don't care to pursue.

However, I am curious if anyone has experienced this elsewhere around town, and please don't name names, just examples. Our blossoming cultural diversity probably makes this inevitable, as we learn to expand our tolerances. Feel free to email me at